Have you ever wondered how much data is being used on the Herotel network or how many kilometres of fibre optic cable we have laid? Well, wonder no more. At Herotel, we love numbers too, and we have compiled some impressive statistics that showcase our robust network infrastructure and the incredible growth we’ve experienced over the years. From our humble beginnings to our position as one of the country’s leading providers of wireless and fibre internet services, we’re proud to share our journey with you through these numbers. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!
Let’s have a look at our infrastructure in numbers.
This specific section of the article was written with the assistance of ChatGPT, an AI (Artificial Intelligence) language model that provided valuable insights and suggestions.
Herotel’s infrastructure expansion has been impressive over the past 10 years. To give some perspective, the number of telephone poles planted is equivalent to the total number of street lights in Cape Town. In addition, the number of manholes installed is equivalent to the number of traffic lights in Johannesburg.
The road reinstatement, trenching, and cable stringing have also been extensive, with a total of 262 kilometres of road reinstated, 2280 kilometres trenched, and 7907 kilometres of cable stringed. This is equivalent to laying a cable from Cape Town to Nairobi, Kenya, and back again!
All of this hard work has paid off, with 485 500 homes and businesses now ready to be connected to Herotel’s reliable and high-speed internet services fibre network alone.
Let’s have a look at our network usage numbers.
On a typical Sunday evening, our network sees a peak Netflix traffic of 71Gbps, which is equivalent to 2840 simultaneous 4K movie streams or 23 666 simultaneous high-definition 1080p movie streams. This traffic makes up 25% of our total traffic towards Netflix. Additionally, we see a Google traffic of 64.9Gbps and receive 5.9Gbps of Facebook traffic from local caches on our network.
During the busiest hour of 8PM on a Sunday evening, we download a whopping 3 153.6 terabytes of data. To put this into perspective, that’s equivalent to downloading 1.314 million copies of the movie Maverick Top Gun, or 63 million 10-minute 1080p YouTube videos. For gamers, this amount of data is equivalent to downloading 37 542 copies of Call of Duty Warzone 2 within 3 hours.
Furthermore, our network sees 34.7Gbps of international traffic leaving South Africa, which is equivalent to 28 916 simultaneous Zoom calls with HD video. As mentioned, our busiest hour is 8PM on a Sunday evening, and our least busy hour is 4AM, with only 14% of the 8PM data being used at that time. Additionally, Wednesdays are our lowest peak days, with normally 33% less traffic than a Sunday.